A.J. Heschel, Idols In The Temples, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 65
Teachers of religion have always attempted to raise their insights to the level of utterance, dogma, creed. Yet such utterances must be taken as indications, as attempts to convey what cannot be adequately expressed, if they are not to stand in the way of authentic faith.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 103
יום שני, 27 ביולי 2015
Ultimate truth may be hidden from man, yet the power to discern between the valid and the specious has not been taken from us.
A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 23
יום ראשון, 26 ביולי 2015
The sense of the ineffable is a sense for transcendence, a sense for the allusiveness of reality to a super-rational meaning.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 105
We are a people in a mourning that calls for mending. A.J.Heschel, Israel: An Echo of Eternity, FS&G, p. 23
יום רביעי, 22 ביולי 2015
What are the grounds for our certainty of the realness of God ?
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 101
We have in common a terrible loneliness.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 101
יום שלישי, 21 ביולי 2015
We cannot survive unless we know what is asked of us.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 113
יום שני, 20 ביולי 2015
We have to appeal to what is deepest in man, to awaken and foster in him the will to be more than he is.
A.J. Heschel, Israel and Diaspora, in The Insecurity Of Freedom, FSG, p. 215
יום ראשון, 19 ביולי 2015
...we are not obliged to be perfect once and for all, but only to rise again and again beyond the level of the self...To be contrite at our failures is holier than to be complacent in perfection.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, pp 402-403
יום שבת, 18 ביולי 2015
Life without genuine prayer is a wasteland.
A.J.Heschel , In Search of Exaltation , in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FS&G, p. 228
יום רביעי, 15 ביולי 2015
Our share of holiness we acquire by living within the community.
A.J.Heschel , God, Torah and Israel , in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FS&G, p. 205
יום שלישי, 14 ביולי 2015
The power to praise precedes the power of faith.
A.J. Heschel, Protestant Renewal: A Jewish View, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G,p. 176
יום ראשון, 12 ביולי 2015
There are no administrative solutions to spiritual problems.
A.J. Heschel, The White Man on Trial, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G,p. 106
White people - church people, liberals - have to understand this: You push a man into a corner. He behaves desparately. Then you ask, Why does he behave desparately ?
A.J. Heschel, The White Man on Trial, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G,p. 111
יום שלישי, 7 ביולי 2015
To the biblical mind man is not only a creature who is constantly in search of himself but also a creature God is constantly in search of. Man is a creature in search of meaning because there is meaning in search of him, because there is God's beseeching question, 'Where art thou ?'
A.J.Heschel, Sacred Image of Man, in The Insecurity Of Freedom, FS&G, p. 163
יום שני, 6 ביולי 2015
Having passed the abyss of paganism, Judaism is often a lonely, unperceived voice raised against man's converting instrumentals into finals. We are a challenge to the sovereignty of any one value: whether it be the ego, the state, nature, or beauty. A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, 415
יום ראשון, 5 ביולי 2015
The world is in flames, consumed by evil. Is it possible that there is no one who cares ?
A.J.Heschel , A Preface to an Understanding of Revelation, in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FS&G, p. 189
יום שבת, 4 ביולי 2015
Jewish faith consists of attachment to God, attachment to Torah, and attachment to Israel.
A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 425
יום רביעי, 1 ביולי 2015
We must continue to ask: what is man that God should care for him ? And we must continue to remember that it is precisely God's care for man that constitutes the greatness of man.