רשת בתי המדרש קישורים מומלצים אודות האתר צור קשר עזרה
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מאגר התכנים אשף דפי הלימוד שולחן העבודה שלי ארון הספרים אודות הרשת פורומים בלוגים

יום שלישי, 31 במרץ 2015

Perhaps this is what our religious traditions must teach the contemporary man: to stand still and to behold, to stand still and to hear.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 18

יום שני, 30 במרץ 2015

The meaning of freedom presupposes an openness to transcendence, and man has to be responsive before he can become responsible.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 15

יום ראשון, 29 במרץ 2015

God's voice may sound feeble to our conscience. Yet there is a divine cunning in history which seems to prove that the wages of absolute expediency is disaster.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 22

יום שבת, 28 במרץ 2015

The insecurity of freedom is a bitter fact of historical experience.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 18

יום חמישי, 26 במרץ 2015

It is wrong to define education as preparation for life. Learning is life, a supreme experience of living, a climax of existence.

A.J. Heschel, Children and Youth, in The Insecurity Of Freedom. FSG, p. 42

יום רביעי, 25 במרץ 2015

The ultimate meaning of knowledge is not power, but the realization of a unity that surpasses all interests and all ages.

A.J. Heschel, Children and Youth, in The Insecurity Of Freedom. FSG, p.42

"אמר רבי מנחם מנדל לרבי חנוך:
זה הוא חסיד טומאשוב, שחוזר ושואל את עצמו בכל דבר: מה אני רוצה בזה ?"
פנחס שדה, איש בחדר סגור לבו שבור ובחוץ יורדת אפלה, אמרות תורות וסיפורי-חיים של רבי מנחם מנדל מקוצק, הוצאת שוקן, עמ' 40

פרופ' רחל אליאור: "אברהם יהושע השל קבע שמבחינה מוסרית אין גבול לאכפתיות שאדם מוכרח להרגיש כלפי סבלו של בן אנוש בלי קשר לדת לאום וגזע."

יום שני, 23 במרץ 2015

There are forms of suffering that a man must accept with love and bear in silence. There are other agonies to which he must say no.

A.J. Heschel, A Passion for Truth, Jewish Lights Publishing, p. 271

יום ראשון, 22 במרץ 2015

Holocausts are caused wherever a person is put to shame.

A.J. Heschel, Children and Youth, in The Insecurity Of Freedom. FSG, p. 43

יום שבת, 21 במרץ 2015

Wisdom is like the sky, belonging to no man, and true learning is the astronomy of the spirit.

A.J. Heschel, Children and Youth, in The Insecurity Of Freedom. FSG, p. 42

יום שישי, 20 במרץ 2015

We have denied our young people the knowledge of the dark side of life. They see a picture of ease, play, and fun. That life includes hardships, illness, grief, even agony; that many hearts are sick with bitterness, resentfulness, envy - are facts of which young people have hardly an awareness. They do not feel morally challenged, they do not feel called upon.

A.J. Heschel, Children and Youth, in The Insecurity Of Freedom. FSG, p. 43

יום חמישי, 19 במרץ 2015

The basic message that both Kierkegaard and the Kotzker proclaim is that the life of faith is hard to enter upon and maintain, difficult to understand or explain.

 המסר הבסיסי של קירקגרד והקוצקר גם יחד, הוא שקשה להיכנס לחיים של אמונה כמו לקיימם, להבינם או לבארם.

A.J. Heschel, A Passion for Truth, Jewish Lights Publishing, p. 113

יום רביעי, 18 במרץ 2015

Gandhi, Kierkegaard, the Kotzker

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Postage Stamp Editorial Photography

"Mahatma Gandhi, one of the twentieth century's great seekers after justice, shared the insight of Kierkegaard and the Kotzker. On this point, he wrote, at the end of his autobiography, 'My uniform experience has convinced me that there is no other God than Truth.'"*

(the footnote in the text refers to)*An Autobiography, or My Experiments with Truth (Boston, 1957) p.503

A.J. Heschel, A Passion for Truth, Jewish Lights Publishing, p.166

יום שלישי, 17 במרץ 2015

Man is born to face temptations and to make decisions.

A.J. Heschel, Idols In The Temples, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 58

Judaism is forever engaged in a bitter battle against man's deeply rooted belief in fatalism and its ensuing inertia in social, moral, and spiritual  conditions.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G,  p. 14

יום ראשון, 15 במרץ 2015

"Heschel understood the loneliness of the long distance thinker. He understood how lonely the philosopher will be in trying to impart a message of transcendence that will speak to ones' own age and to future generations. As Heschel tells us Torah min Hashmaim is not just a phrase; Torah min Hashmaim is different from Torah mSinai."

Rabbi Gordon Tucker quoting Rabbi Gershon Cohen on Heschel at the conference on Heschel in Jerusalem last December. 6:16 - 640 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EYzF_FgB3g

יום שבת, 14 במרץ 2015

To choose evil is to fail to be free.

A.J. Heschel, Religion in a Free Society, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G,  p.15

יום חמישי, 12 במרץ 2015

To maintain the right balance of mystery and meaning, of stillness and utterance, of reverence and action seems to be the goal of religious existence.

A.J. Heschel, Depth Theology, in The Insecurity of Freedom, FS&G, p. 123

יום רביעי, 11 במרץ 2015

The great task of religion is to teach man how to convert ends into needs. But what we do instead is to convert needs into ends.

A.J. Heschel, The Carl Stern Interview (1972), in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FSG, p 409

"The tragedy of our time is, we don't trust each other. The Golden Rule today is not 'Love thy neighbor as thyself' but 'Suspect thy neighbor as thyself'. We suspect all politicians because we know in advance they don't mean what they say and they don't say what they mean."

A.J. Heschel, The Carl Stern Interview (1972), in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FSG, p. 406

"הטרגדיה של זמננו היא שאיננו מאמינים זה לזה. שביל הזהב אינו 'ואהבת לרעך כמוך', כי אם 'וחשדת לרעך כמוך'. אנו חושדים בכל פוליטיקאים כי יודעים אנו מראש שאין הם מתכוונים למה שהם אומרים ואין הם אומרים מה שהם מתכוונים."

א.י. השל, הראיון עם קרל שטרן (בשנת 1972) חמש שיחות עם א.י. השל , בעריכה כללית של פנחס פלאי,  בהוצאת אוניפרס, עמ' 109 השיחה תורגמה ע"י ורדה לבני

יום שלישי, 10 במרץ 2015

I consider the heart of the problem of human existence is to fight against mendacity, against lying.

A.J. Heschel, The Carl Stern Interview, in Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, FSG, p. 406

יום שני, 9 במרץ 2015

Being may be applied to a dead horse, but it is the living man we are concerned with here.

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 94

The problem is : What are the ultimate questions of existence which religion comes to answer ? What are the ideas a religious man stands for ?

A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p. 22

יום ראשון, 8 במרץ 2015

Man's understanding of what is reasonable is subject to change.

A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p 19

יום שבת, 7 במרץ 2015

What ought we to do ? How ought we to conduct our lives ? These are basic questions of ethics. They are also questions of religion. Philosophy of religion must inquire: why do we ask these questions ? Are they meaningful ? On what grounds do we state them ? To ethics, these are man's questions, necessitated by the nature of human existence. To religion, these are God's questions, and our answer to them concerns not only man but God.

A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG,chp 28 ( a science of deeds)  p 285 

מה עלינו לעשות ? כיצד עלינו להנהיג את חיינו ? אלה הן שאלות בסיסיות של אתיקה. אלה גם שאלותיה של הדת. על הפילוסופיה של הדת לשאול: מדוע אנו שואלים את צמנו את השאלות הללו ? היש להן משמעות ? אילו טעמים אפשר לתת לעצם העלאתן ? לדידה של האתיקה, אלו שאלות של האדם, והן מתחייבות מטבע הקיום האנושי. לדידה של הדת אלו שאלותיו של אלוהים, ותשובתנו להן נוגעת לא רק לאדם, כי אם גם לאלוהים.

א.י. השל, אלוהים מבקש את האדם, הוצ'  מאגנס, תרגום עזן מאיר-לוי, בשינויים מסויימים שלי,  עמ'  226

God's goodness is not a cosmic force but a specific act of compassion.

A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, p 21

יום חמישי, 5 במרץ 2015

The most significant intellectual act is to decide what the most fundamental question is to live by.

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 107

יום רביעי, 4 במרץ 2015

God's goodness is not a cosmic force but a specific act of compassion. We do not know it as it is but as it happens...
Different are the problems when we accept such an approach. The problem is no longer how to reconcile the Bible with Aristotle's view of the universe and of man, but rather: what is the Biblical view of the universe and of man's position in it ? How should we understand ourselves in terms of Biblical thinking ? The problem is : What are the ultimate questions of existence which religion comes to answer ? What are the ideas a religious man stands for ?

A.J. Heschel, God in Search of Man, FSG, pp 21-22

יום שלישי, 3 במרץ 2015

Human being share the being of all beings, just as champagne and shoe polish, cheesecake and pebbles.

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 96

יום שני, 2 במרץ 2015

Being human is a most precarious condition.

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 100

The most significant intellectual act is to decide what the most fundamental question is to live by.
Ontology inquires: What is being ? Epistemology inquires: What is thinking ? The heart of man inquires: What is expected of me ? Or in the language of the Bible: What is required of me ? 

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 107

The most significant intellectual act is to decide what the most fundamental question is to live by 

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 107

The self is inescapably beset by the questions: What shall I do with my existence, with my being here and now? What does it mean to be alive ? What does being alive imply for my will and intelligence ?

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, pp. 105-106

יום ראשון, 1 במרץ 2015

History is a vast panorama of idols worshiped and idols smashed.

A J Heschel, Who is Man ? Stanford U Press, p. 104