The question is the beginning of all thinking. In knowing how to ask the right question lies the only hope of arriving at an answer. In asking a uestion we must faintly anticipate something of the nature of what we ask about. On that account, the question about the ultimate source of all reality is one we do not know how to ask. It concerns something which cannot be pressed into our finite categories, put in chains of a sentence and converted into a definite matter ro be inquired into. Formulas - such as: What is the ultimate origin of the universe ? What is behind all events ? are travesties of what is overwhelmingly given to our pristine sense of wonder. Is it the origin we want to ask about and not the presence, goal and task of the universe ? Do we know where to draw the line between the unknown origin and known product, or where the source ends and the derivation begins ? Even the sentence structure of such formulas is pregnant with logical assumptions which upon close analysis disclose immense difficulties.
A profound awareness of the incongruity of all categories with the nameless, unfathomable omnipresence of the mystery is a prerequisite for our efforts in reaching toward an answer. The more we beware of letting our incomparable question be adulterated or even stifled by inadequate formulations, the better will be our chance of braving final, specious answers.
A profound awareness of the incongruity of all categories with the nameless, unfathomable omnipresence of the mystery is a prerequisite for our efforts in reaching toward an answer. The more we beware of letting our incomparable question be adulterated or even stifled by inadequate formulations, the better will be our chance of braving final, specious answers.
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